Wan Shi Tong still seems like an asshole regarding the Professor, despite him literally giving up his life with other humans on the surface world just to get the chance to experience his library What does Wan Shi Tong do to honor such a worthy scholar?Hyakun being the dorky little dork boy he isI am Wan Shi Tong, he who knows ten thousand things, and you are obviously humans;

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Wan shi tong angry
Wan shi tong angry-Wan Shi Tong You all think that you are in the right And now, I shall do what is necessary (He swings his wings, causing the library to shake Then, sand starts pouring into it, the Library sinking) Brainstorm fires a lightning blast at Wan Shi Tong, knockingOverviewAt a desert oasis, the group encounters a professor who tells them of a hidden library overseen by a spirit in the desert Inside, Sokka discovers a

22 Avatar The Last Airbender Ideas In 21 Avatar The Last Airbender The Last Airbender Avatar
Wan Shi Tong is 15,000 years old, predating the existence of Avatar Wan by 5,000 years This great spirit of knowledge existed in the age of Raava, when the Spirit World and the mortal world were coexisting harmoniously During such time, spirits could exist in the mortal realm without sacrificing their immortality, as Wan was able to do Wan Shi Tong explained to Del that the state he entered was a defense mechanism, which allows the Avatar to channel immense cosmic energies of the Great Spirit and all of the previous avatars Awakened through danger and great emotional turmoil, the state has both its advantages and disadvantagesWan Shi Tong was initially fairly hostile towards the children, but agreed to let them use the library after they promised no to use its information to harm anybody While the others were in the
Free and open company data on New York (US) company WAN SHI TONG INC (company number ), 915 129TH STREET, COLLEGE POINT, NEW YORK, Webinar Fighting Financial Crime The White Box Company Data Revolution – listen to the recording Listen now The Open Database Of The Corporate WorldMeanwhile, Jinora finds Wan Shi Tong's library and convinces the Spirit of Knowledge to allow her to learn about the spirit portals While learning that Vaatu's seal can indeed be broken if both portals are opened during Harmonic Convergence, Jinora learns that Wan Shi Tong is in league with Unalaq Attempting to rescue Jinora, Korra is forced During Wan Shi Tong's angry rampage, Sokka frantically used the planetary calendar to determine which day the eclipse would take place Sokka got his answer, and he and the group narrowly escaped before Wan Shi Tong sank the library underneath the desert sands The group had the edge on the Fire Nation, and an invasion would be launched later
Suddenly, Wan Shi Tong entered the room "Mortals are so predictable, and such terrible liars You all, minus the girl who wanted to read here in my library, betrayed my trust From the beginning, you intended to misuse this knowledge for evil purposes" The spirit said as Twilight entered the roomWan Shi Tong's Library In a flash of yellow, Naruto, Azula, Mai, and Ty Lee appeared before the Kunai as well as in the middle of what appeared to be a large library filled with countless books The blonde sage looked around and whistled lowly at the countless books in the placeBut, I might be overthinking it Most famous Chinese love stories are tragic) (T/N Wan Shi Tong as in a person who knows everything)

Avatar The Last Airbender The 10 Worst Things Sokka Ever Did

Here Is Wan Shi Tongs Library The Gaang Goes Int Tumbex
It led her where she had wanted to go, certainly, but the bridge was occupied by a very angry Wan Shi Tong, so whether it was where she actually wanted to be was debatable The owl spirit was bearing down on Katara and Momo, but she couldn't see any of the othersAfter reading Books 14, you're an expert on the Avatar or are you?Never make Wan Shi Tong angry EVER His punishments include killing and stuffing intruders to put on his display wall The part where his neck stretches out and he starts screeching is terrifying and shows he's less a spirit and more of a pissed off Animalistic Abomination The Desert Team Avatar's situation is this in an eerily mundane way

John O Kain Wan Shi Tong Is Super Cool And Hella Creepy

What Can You Teach Wan Shi He Who Knows Ten Things Did You Know Ihat Go
Koh vs Wan Shi Tong Discussion Close 10 Posted by 1 year ago Archived Koh vs Wan Shi Tong Discussion Assuming that Koh presents a threat to the library while Koh believes that Wan Shi Tong needs to be punished for some reasonProfessor Zei, Wan Shi Tong, and the episode "The Library" really captures all that is wrong with academia and how we create a pretend separation of the pursuit of knowledge from the consequences in our material reality ng is the survivor of a horrific genocide that eliminated an entire nation off the map The prince could reject even this Wan Shi Tong's request because of Miss Gu" (T/N Butterfly Lovers is a famous ancient Chinese tragic love story Out of all famous lovers, why did Mister Qi pick this one?

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Wan Shi Tong I see you have some knowledge of the past, so you should know that humans are no longer allowed in my library Get out (Mako looks angry) Oh, yeah, I guess that was a bad thing Asami Sato You stole everything from me, and you tried to kidnap the President!Hey, remember when I tried inktober? That of course is when Wan Shi Tong shows up, obviously angry And understandably so if I'm being honest I frown and bow my head slightly" You have my apologies I am so sorry about this" I apologize sincerely Though I doubt Wan Shi Tong will accept an apology for, what he considers to be, a misuse of the information he has worked so hard

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How much do you know about the characters and the plot that drives them forward?Those are pretty bad, too Meanwhile, thanks to her spirit friends, Jinora discovers Wan Shi Tong's Library Despite still being upset at Avatar ng's betrayal over 70 years ago, he permits Jinora to say in the library and look for info on the spirit portals

Wan Shi Tong Literally Has Eyes On The Back Of His Head Thelastairbender

Omg Rowlet Is Wan Shi Tong One Who Knows Ten Thousand Things
Wan Shi Tong (to Katara;Instead of getting angry at her sister's shenanigans, Virya smiled gently and asked out softly, her silver eyes glittering with curiosity and her expression brim with happiness Wan Shi Tong slowly flapped his large wings before flying towards their group and gently landing in front of them When his small beady eyes fell on Nik and Yue, he "Vassal not vessel you ignorant fool" Wan Shi Tong snapped "Okay man chill no need to get angry" Percy tried to calm down the big bird "Just follow me and stay quite" The owl sighed obviously greatly annoyed He began to turn his back on the young demigod before Percy's annoyed voice halted him "yeah no

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Lok Obsessed Here Is Wan Shi Tongs Library The Gaang Goes
If she gets scared or angry, the spirits around her go from light to dark, and if she feels like a child, she turns into a child Jinora goes to Wan Shi Tong"It says it can't Wan Shi Tong is really angry as the fire nation man burning a part of his library was the first strike and the Avatar lying about no abusing the knowledge here was the last straw He's just supposed to go with us cause we are taking scrolls" Naruto conveyed to her what the Kyuubi told him again which only made Mai sighMe neither If you enjoy my art, you can show your appreciation by going to koficom/morciandraws and buying me a coffee!

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The 10 Best Spirits In Avatar The Last Airbender And Legend Of Korra
In the original Avatar story, Tong's library was in the material world, but Sokka broke a promise to Tong when he used something he learned in the library to defeat someone in a fight Because of this, Wan Shi Tong withdrew the library into the Spirit World, trapping one of the people who traveled there with ngWan Shi Tong catches them in their lie and refuses to allow them to leave with the knowledge He begins sinking the library before chasing the group Outside, Appa is kidnapped by a gang of sandbenders, while Toph is busy preventing the library from sinking into the sand, along with her bending being weakened by not being able to fully senseCranky is an English word that means "badly humored", angry or "irritable" However, it can also be used to directly identify a person's anger or discomfort with something In The Library of Wan Shi Tong you have a tool to continue navigating in that immense ocean that make up our language

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A Thousand Lifetimes 95 Wan Shi Tong Atla 210 The Library
Which, by the way, are no longer permitted in my study Wan Shi Tong to Team 7 and Professor Zei Wan Shi Tong was an ancient, wise, and powerful spirit whoHéctor Elizondo is a Golden Globenominated and Emmy Awardwinning American actor He was credited with voicing Wan Shi Tong in one episode of Avatar The Last Airbender and one episode of The Legend of Korra 210 210 Cane Century City Chicago Hope Grey's Anatomy Justice League Justice League So, when Sokka decides he wants to go to Wan Shi Tong's library, he doesn't just say it calmly He says so very exuberantly, and this is a short line that has been quoted by fans many times 8 "Just some angry freak with a ponytail who's tracked us all over the world"

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Wan Shi Tong S Library Thelastairbender
Never make Wan Shi Tong angry EVER For that matter, never piss off Katara For the loveydovey mother figure, she is easily the scariest and most terrifying individual of the group (apart from Avatar State ng) She openly threatened Zuko with death should she find any reason to not trust him, and was a literal inch away from killing Yon Rha I wonder if Wan Shi Tong's behavior was to foreshadow that the Day of Black Sun plan was going to fail from the very start Essentially, it was a shortcut to preemptively defeat the Fire Nation and capture the Fire Lord before Sozin's Comet arrives, and thus sidestepping the need for ng to learn firebendingRead Chapter 36 The Library from the story Avengers The Last Airbender by Aspergirl23 (Victoria) with 257 reads fanfiction, avengers, airbenders Once on bo

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What is Wan Shi Tong's Library 0 If it wasn't for ng, he would have easily been killed by its angry mother What is a sabertoothed moose lion 400 Despite many avatars living to incredibly old ages, Avatar Kuruk only lived to this age Unknown to many, his short life was caused by his multiple fights with dark spirits thatShow off your knowledge of the Avatar universe by taking this quiz! 10 Shadiest Things ng Did In Avatar The Last Airbender ng is the main character of Avatar The Last Airbender While there aren't a lot of instances of him being shady, but here's 10 that stand out

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A Tough Question To Answer Thelastairbender
In his disappointment, Wan banned humans from utilizing the library if their intent was for violence and evil When Sokka loudly announces their defeat of the Fire Nation with the knowledge gleaned from the library, Wan grows angry and attacks the group They flee and Wan Shi Tong sinks the library back into the spirit worldWell, seeing Wan Shi Tong, we knwo that spirits can go from completely calm and "friendly" to hostile by invading their privacy and doing something they obviously didn't want you to do Thus, the avatar could make the spirit angry and that one spirit could destroy anything(From the examples of Wan Shi Tong and Hei BaiWan Shi Tong swoops down and lands next to her, leading a gust of wind that flaps her clothes Wan Shi Tong The last human who said that is still here Wan Shi Tong turns to his right, and Jinora follows suit The scene zooms out to the shelves, revealing Zei's body, which had already decomposed to a skeleton Jinora Professor Zei!

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Wan Shi Tong, however, seems more interested in the fact that Jinora came to the spirit world with the Avatar than in anything else In a very nglike move, she soothes the angryPreparing to fight him as she is being chased) Your waterbending won't do you much good hereI have studied Northern Water Style, Southern Water Style, even Foggy Swamp Style (Sokka smashes a book against Wan Shi Tong's head, causing him to collapse) Sokka That's called Sokka Style!Learn it! Wan Shi Tong also makes a cameo as well as Professor Zei It was cool to see the grumpy owl back in action Although, it's dismaying to see how easily he's duped by Unalaq No Mako or Asami or Bolin in this episode which I'm not too sorry about The whole Varrick is a

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I Sat I Watched I Blogged Adventures In Babysitting Legend Of Korra Season 2 Episode 10
Wan Shi Tong, which is translated as He Who Knows Ten Thousand Things, is the Spirit of Knowledge and an influental figure in the world of Avatar the Last AirbenderHe is a minor yet pivotal antagonist of Season 2 of Avatar The Last Airbender and a minor antagonist of Season 2 of Legend of Korra Especifically, he serves as the main antagonist of the Avatar The LastDownload link https//dieterboddinitchio/wanshitongslibraryFind 4 books and bring them back to Wan Shi TongYou have 30 minutes, if you fail then the librA stupid one liner once another human shows up, shows off his dead body on the floor

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I guess ng or Tenzin must have left that part out of the storyWhat do you think his motives were to join Unalaq Wan Shi Tong is a giant spirit owl that rules over a library with hundreds of thousands of books Its name can be loosely translated to mean He Who Knows 10,000 Things Though its library has played relatively important parts in both Avatar the Last Airbender and the Legend of Korra , Wan Shi Tong always ends up fighting Team Avatar in some way

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